Air conditioning units are essential components in Florida due to the hot, humid climate much of the year.

As important as good central air may be, air conditioning companies often see homeowners participating in practices that can cost them money in the long run and even do harm to their units.

Avoid falling for these untruths that air conditioning services hear all the time and benefit economically from a cooler, more comfortable home!

1. Turning The AC Off Saves Money

Though it might seem like common sense to turn off the AC when away from the home for multiple days, weeks, or longer, air conditioning companies find this action to be more wasteful than frugal.

Air conditioning services instead recommend that Florida homeowners turn their units up to a higher setting to prevent heat and moisture damage as well as bad odors that often occur when the heat and humidity in the home rises with the temperatures.

2. Closing HVAC Vents In Part of the House Saves Money

Many budget-conscious homeowners seem to be under the impression that closing off HVAC vents in rooms that are not in use will save them money by allowing the cool air to flow elsewhere.

Air conditioning installation professionals find that doing this is more likely to negatively affect the balance of cool air throughout the rest of the home while adding unnecessary strain to the system.

Instead of causing the AC system to run longer or harder than it needs to, just keep vents open so the entire home can be easily maintained at a constant temperature.

3. Lowering The Thermostat Causes Faster Cooling

Another fallacy that air conditioning companies hear homeowners repeating is that by turning the thermostat lower than needed, the AC will cool the space faster.

In reality, doing that so accomplishes is causing the AC unit to run longer, as it can only cool at the speed that it can produce cool air.

Regardless of how low the thermostat is set, getting to the desired temperature will never happen faster than what the unit can handle.

4. Air Conditioner Unit Size Does Not Matter

Air conditioner installation is an expensive investment and it can be tempting for some homeowners to choose either a smaller unit to save money initially or a larger unit to attempt to save money on faster cooling.

In either case, an inappropriately sized AC unit just costs more in the long run.

Smaller, underpowered units will be overburdened to keep a home cool, while larger, overpowered units cost more initially than what is necessary while not cooling a home any faster or better.

The best AC unit for any home is the one that a professional HVAC technician has sized to easily handle that space without being over or under-powered.

5. Ceiling Fans Can Cool A Room

As an aside to avoiding purchasing an under-powered AC unit from an air conditioning service, ceiling fans do not help the cooling process.

All they do is circulate air throughout a room or the home.

Ceiling fans running in conjunction with an adequately sized AC unit is the best plan to efficiently cool a home and keep it comfortably balanced throughout.

Avoid These Myths To Enjoy Cost-Effective Home Cooling

The common air conditioning myths mentioned above may be spread through good intentions, but they do not truly save Florida homeowners any money.

If anything, air conditioner companies find these untruths can cost homeowners additional money in various ways.

Discuss the best way to keep Florida homes consistently cool and comfortable with these air conditioner company tips for reliable, efficient AC use!

Need Air Conditioning Services in Daytona Beach Florida?

Contact Coverall Heating and Air Conditioning For AC Needs!

Call 386-854-7672 To Schedule With Us!


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